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Join us to learn from industry, government, and fleet experts from the Gulf Coast Region and across the nation for insight into real word implementation of clean transportation projects and the latest updates on technologies, fuels, and practices.

2024 Featured Sessions:

Promotional image for a keynote speaker event featuring Daniel Gage, President of The Transport Project. The event is scheduled for June 12, 2024, at 9:00 AM and is part of the Clean Fuels Summit, sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels. The image includes a photo of Daniel Gage, a brief biography, and event details overlaid on a blue and gray background.
Promotional image for the Clean Fuels Summit on June 13, 2024, featuring keynote speaker Shawn D. Wilson, Ph.D. The image provides a brief biography, highlighting his leadership roles in transportation and development. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.
Flyer for a breakout session on "Funding Opportunities: Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Opportunity (CFI)" scheduled for June 13, 2024, from 8:30 to 9:15 AM. It features photos of four speakers: Tyler Herrmann, Sydney Bingham, Cedric Grant, and Amy Hodges from various organizations, with sponsorship by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.
Promotional poster for a cybersecurity session on electric vehicle transportation systems on June 12, 2024, featuring Raju Gottumukkala, Bart Phillips, and Griffin Egner. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.
Promotional poster for "Grants 101 - Explore the Basics of Applying for and Managing Federal Grants" event on June 12, 2024, from 2:15 - 3:15 PM. Features photos of Ann Vail from Louisiana Clean Fuels and Bonnie Trowbridge from Drive Clean Colorado. Sponsored by Entergy, part of the Clean Fuels Summit 2024 hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.
Promotional image for "GM Energy: Accelerating the EV Transition" event on June 12, 2024, at 9:30AM. Features a photo of an individual identified as Derek Sequeira, Head of Delivery at GM Energy, with a description of his role. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels, part of the Clean Fuels Summit Conference and Expo 2024.
Event poster for the Clean Fuels Summit on June 12, 2024, featuring Mayor Nic Hunter of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Includes details about his initiatives and developments in the area, sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.
Event poster titled "Building a Brighter Future: Women Shaping the Hydrogen Economy" featuring four women speakers: Susan Shifflett from Texas Hydrogen Alliance, Kamden Maas from BayoTech, Inc, Therese Walker from Emergent Method, and Lauren Mattar from NextEnergy. Scheduled for June 12, 2024, from 3:30-4:30 PM. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels. Logo for Clean Fuels Summit at the bottom.
Promotional image for The National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy. Features Grace McGinnis from the U.S. Dept. of Energy as a speaker on June 13, 2024, at 10:45 AM. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels, highlighting Clean Fuels Summit, Conference & Expo 2024.
Conference breakout session announcement for "Partnering with Utilities on EV Charging and Grid Resiliency" scheduled for June 13, 2024, from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. The session features speakers Scott Barrios from Entergy, Richie Biedenhard from Cleco, and Chris Gilland from Entergy. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels, part of the Clean Fuels Summit Conference & Expo 2024.
Promotional graphic for Clean Fuels Summit on June 12, 2024, featuring speakers Aspen Nero, Kevin Coggin, Brian Lowe, and Dinero Washington. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.
Promotional poster for a webinar titled "Medium and Heavy Duty Fleet Solutions to Meet Your Zero Emission Targets" on June 12, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Features a headshot of a person identified as Cody Lane, Zero Emission Sales Manager at Kenworth. Includes details about Cody Lane's role in helping fleets transition to zero-emission vehicles. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels at the Clean Fuels Summit Conference & Expo.
Promotional banner for a session titled 'Exploring Emission Reduction Practices and Technologies in the Agricultural Sector' at the Clean Fuels Summit on June 12, 2024, from 2:15 to 3:15 PM, featuring speakers Mike Strain, John Plant, and Roy Hensley. Sponsored by Entergy and hosted by Louisiana Clean Fuels.